Is Grass Fed Beef Production Sustainable?

I read in an article on NPR that grass fed beef is not sustainable. I signed up so I could make a comment. Here's what I wrote:

To say that grass fed beef is not sustainable is an incomplete statement. Grazing cattle in the conventional way is not sustainable on most lands. But grazing cattle using Holistic Grazing Management is not only sustainable, it dramatically regenerates grassland, making the land so productive that wildlife has far more to eat as well.

Watch Allan Savory's TED talk, "How to Green the World's Deserts and Reverse Climate Change" to learn more about this. The bottom line is that grasslands have evolved with large herds of grazing animals. For the grasses to thrive, they require large herbivores, but those herbivores need to be grazed in a particular way.

Holistic Grazing Management is being used on every continent, and it is amazingly successful. You can see before and after pictures in Allan Savory's talk that will blow your mind. They've taken barren land and turned it into rich grasslands teeming with life. Forty million acres around the world are now using this method. It is not only sustainable, it makes the land more productive (more beef produced per acre) without any artificial inputs like fertilizers or pesticides, so it is profitable and organic too.

Because it restores soil, plants grow deeper roots, the soil absorbs more water, erosion stops, and the soil becomes filled with life — more grass, more animals eating the grass, more animals eating the animals that eat the grass, and more earthworms and fungi and bacteria and protozoa and nematodes and arthropods and insects down in the soil. All of that life is made of carbon. Where does the carbon come from? From the air.

Regenerating grasslands can sequester an immense amount of carbon. It can do more to reverse climate change than any other thing on earth. It can remove more carbon from the air than even the complete elimination of all fossil fuels. Holistic Management can literally save the planet.

Here's the NPR article:

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